Mauro Lanza


Composer (b. 1975)

Mauro Lanza studied the piano in Venice and computer music at IRCAM. Tinted with irony, his compositions have been, since his beginning, the result of a never-ending effort to create an intimate fusion between classical instruments and other, less conventional, sound sources (synthesis by physical modeling, toy instruments, sound effects, and divers specimens of found objects). Lanza likes the clarity and inhuman character of formalized processes and works extensively with computer algorithms. Lanza has had residencies at the Villa Médicis from 2007 to 2008 and elsewhere (Fresnoy, Civitella Ranieri, Schloss Solitude Academy), and teaches in several locations (IRCAM, McGill University, ESMUC, UdK). His music is pubished by Ricordi.

  • Mauro Lanza  © Roselyne Titaud
    Mauro Lanza © Roselyne Titaud
  • Mauro Lanza  © DR
    Mauro Lanza © DR