Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski

A polyphonic, spry, and poetic theater: the art of Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski is an “art of the interstitial, of the tangent, of quirk both immaterial like music it always preceeds, and completely a part of the body” (Martine Dumont-Mergeay). More than simple musical theater, hers is an art of transgression, hybrid and poetical; simultaneously a theatrical art that derogates from the text, a musical art that questions le body, a pictoral art that probes physical beauty. A mischievous and unclassifiable object, Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski’s theater remains theater via its visual and emotional natue. Howeve, it goes beyond tranditional stage forms and invents a language that, without misrepresenting the seriousness of the subjects, nor the beauty of the forms, leaves a large space for laughter as an expression of emotion.